A young Splungfart enjoying a bath.
Welcome to the official guide on how to take care of your Splungfart!
If you are here, It's safe to assume you just got a Splungfart in your mailbox, and are worried about what to do with it. This here webpage is to tell you everything is okay!
Splungfarts are gentle creatures that like to feast on vegetation and fruits and will happily graze in the average garden if you let them outside for a while. Splungfarts are very important to the ecosystem and will greatly improve your garden health in letting them free. These creatures, however, will hunt if threatened. Splungfarts have been known to chase for hours to end and consume its threat. The average human will usually be able to avoid this being cautious!
Social interaction is very important if you want your Splungfart to be happy and healthy! Get together with fellow Splungfart owners and let them play at least once a week for the best results in behaviour. If you find your Splungfart denying food or water, this is usually the first thing that will help improve its condition.

Two Splungfarts bonding in a garden.
Splungfarts enjoy being pet on the head and belly, their feet are very ticklish though. Be careful as they might accidentally harm you if uncomfortable.
Splungfarts struggle to clean themselves due to their limited neck mobility, to keep your house smelling fresh make sure you bathe your Splungfart regularly! Even a quick hose down in the garden during the summer can be benefitial for them, and will also help them cool down.
This species births live young, they are mammals! If you notice signs of pregnancy in your Splungfart, don't panic. Make sure that they have a comfy area they can rely on when the time comes. Blankets and soft pillows are good for this situation, your Splungfart may also require extra attention during this time. When the birth arrives, you will be the proud owner of 1-3 Splugs! The mother will take care of them for the most part, Just make sure you pay attention to their health incase of any complications.
I hope this guide could help you on your journey taking care of your new best friend!
A Collection of Splungfarts I have anonymously dropped.

Fan Farts.

Other artistic representations.